
Åker snart iväg till Umeå för att flyga till Stockholm för att jobba imorgon i drygt 9 timmar, från 08.00 till 17.30, för att sedan flyga tillbaka 21.10 till Umeå. Ikväll sover jag hos bästaste faster som alltid ställer upp. (:

Nu ska jag äta frukost. (:



Glömde att skriva att jag har jobb nu på Söndag, jag ska göra en reklamfilm för Sunsilk, som kommer vara ute på internet. Eller nått, jag har inte riktigt fattat vad jag ska göra men det blir något liknande.. Nu ska jag inte blogga mer ikväll. hehe


Fick nyss veta att jag fått ett jobb i Paris, den franska Glamour magazine, jobbar på Onsdag och åker hem på Torsdag, men jag kommer behöva åka på Tisdag, men jag tror att jag hinner göra bort matte nationella del 2 innan så att det blir nog en liten tripp till skolan på tisdag endå. (:
Jag åker på Tisdag från Umeå  till stockholm och sen till Paris, jobbar på Onsdag, åker hem på Torsdag till Stockholm och sedan till Övik.
Jag tror att jag kommer göra en story om 50-tals underkläder. Men jag är inte säker för det var egentligen 2 stories men nu blev det bara en tror jag, så kanske. (:
Franska Glamour magazine
50-tals underkläder...
Hahaha... intressant..


Jag älskar Poschen <3 Synd att vi inte får behålla den föralltid....
Jag vann bowlingen!.. eller..
Lillebror kör lite moonwalk ;) - Daddy is the PRO - Småbarnen kör hårt - Amanda och Evelina är nöjda..minst sagt - Middag på bowlinghallen, Hamburgare & Pommes (:



Kom nyss hem till föräldrarna, har varit på dejt med Michelle medans Marit och Marre satt och titta på när vi åt. (:
Var på leklust innan det och köpte kulor, en pysselbok, en rolig plast/gummi mask och lite godis till älsklings brorsan som fyller år imorgon! HELA 8 ÅR! Han är och kommer alltid att vara 5 år i min ögon.
Snart blir det barnkalas med Wille på bowlinghallen! YIHOO
Senare ikväll ska jag på sliperiet med bästis/syster Amanda och lyssna på lite Typiskt fet garage rock :D
Bilder kommer inatt eller imorgon (om jag kommer ihåg att ta bilder) hehe..


Härligt med 2 timmars hål nu för att sedan gå på en totalt onödig lektion i kulturidé historia! Jag ska presentera en konstnär... interesting!

Från bajsskola till något helt annat, fy faan va jobbigt det var igår, det blev intensiv gympa instället för hävstång. Kvinnan som leder gympapasset är omänsklig, hon är helt sjukt stark. Jag fattar inte hur hon orkar! Men det var iaf skönt efter och sen var det yoga, det var lite speciellt, men det var helt okej endå. 

Nu ska jag "träna" på att prata om Leonardo Da Vinci. Vilket innebär 2 timmar på facebook! :D Nej men jag ska träna på riktigt, lite, kanske..

Tokyo januari 2011 <3



YÄÄS äntligen har jag fått tillbaka mitt internet! Nu ska jag försöka börja blogga igen :D

Idag hade vi coopertest på skyttis.... asså är det bara jag eller är det ganska härligt efteråt?.. Aja, jag har förbättrat mig med typ 35 sek! :D SCORE!! Det är ganska konstigt ändå för jag har inte tränat konditionen något sen i höstas..

Sitter nu i lägenheten med marit som snart ska åka hem med bussen. Då blire till att plugga på historia som jag har prov på imorgon.. :( Franska och Amerikansk revolutionen.. som jag tyvärr inte kan något om.
Ikväll ska jag träna på Friskis med mamma, först blir det hävstång sen blir det ett Yogapass (: Härrrligt (:

Ville bara visa er min snyggaste lillasyster! (a) (:

Bilder på oss två från testfotograferingen vi gjorde för ett tag sen kommer ganska sent, jag skulle gissa på att de kommer om 2-3 veckor (:

Bild från Damernas värld.

Nu måste jag hämta min bror... JOBBIGT.


I've finally finished all of my jobs here! Now I just have to think about having fun before I go home. :D And thats kinda easy!
I didn't take any photos today, but.. I played tennis inside, haha and.. no makeup or hairstyling just me in a tennis suit. :)

I'm going to take a nap now to get ready for tonight :D


It was a long time ago since I updated the blog now.. Sorry about that.

I went to Disneyland yesterday with some friends. I've been there once in Paris with my familly, this was my first time here in Japan.
It was not as fun as in Paris.. maby beacuse I was younger when I went there in Paris.. but it's never to late to be a kid! Not that I'm not still a kid.. but anyway.. Here's some pictures. (:

My lovely hat <3

And more..

Hawaii burger! The biggest burger I've ever seen, and this was the smallest one..

Fish my life

I dont have time to write.. as always. I have to go to castings now, but I've put some new pictures on Facebook. I'll write something more interesting later! BYE


I just got home from work. I'm eating M&M and.. I'm feeling kinda fine! :D The medicine worked! Yesterday I bought a very funny thing for my face, it's suppose to hold my cheekbones up and remove the fat under my chin... unfortunately, I dont thnk it works... Anywaysssss I'm going to the store to buy something to eat instead of chocklate and.. tonight I have castigs. I think that they start at 7 pm..

Will is playing the backround music (:


Bye (:

Mount Fuji

I worked with Andrea the other day and thw shooting was at a location place 2 hours from tokyo. We went to mount-fuji! Or not really but, we where close. (: I took alot of pictures!

So hot outfit.

It was freeezing......

These ducks where HUGE!

We went out for dinner after the job. Bery Bery nice.

The entrance (:

"In some country, there is a port town. In this town there is a resturant owned by a mysterious Japanese man who cooks marvelous seefood dishes"- Here you are!

THis is the makeup from a job I did, I dont remember what it was..


I got 5000 different pills from the doctor that i have to take.. And one of them is for my stomach beacuse the pills are so strong.. I love my life right now!

Today at work I saw this car, I think it's beautiful. (: ASKUL :D

I'm fresh I'm fly I'm so damn sick..

Today I had to buy some medicine, I've got fever and I'm still coughing like a pig. I hope the medicine works, otherwise I'll die. Yesterday I found some new pictures of me!

I'm going to sleep now, becuse tomorrow I'm working from 10 am, I GET TO SLEEP UNTIL 9!! Happyface!
Today the agency told me that I'm full booked untill next.. tuesday I think. And after that.. let's just hope that I get some days off, to sleep and buy presents for my friends and all that I should do before I go home.... WHich, btw, is just 19 days away! The time have passed sooo fast. I've already been here for 3 weeks, it feels like one.
GOODNIGHT everyone..


Im sick.. I think I've got fever.. And I'm still coughing.. I really don't have time for this, tomorrow I'm working from 6 am to 6 pm.. The Luis Vuitton show was okey, the shoes killed my feet and I almost started to cough on the catwalk but I didn't, lucky me!

Harajuku (:

sleepy man in the train!

lI ike her shoes ;)

The make-up artist from today was bored so he started to paint on the sleeping Hair-stylist!
I have to sleep now..

The one and only

Just got back home from work. I worked with a brittish guy named Louis, also from Donnamodels. The job was very easy. I got great nailpolish, and a present, a pair of socks! :D I love them!!

 In a few hours a car will come and pick me up outside the apartment, MORE CASTINGS <3

I'm going to buy some luch now and get ready for castings. But first EAT :D
The Louis Vuitton show is this weekend, it's 5 shows every day, and I have 4 outfits every show, and I think we're doing it for 2 days.. so around 10 shows in 2 days!

Pictures from my work yesterday and today.

Not pink at all...

The backround from today. (:

In the subway, I like it!

Now I'm of to the store! BYE


Sooo, the job for today was for different kind of stockings. I did 18 cuts today, and tomorrow it's the same job and i have 10 more cuts to do!

This was the first time ever here in japan that I had to be like really sexy on the pictures, I'm surprised that i got this job! I'm not that got at this whole being-sexy-on-a-chair thing.. but i hope the pictures will be good enough ;)
This is a picture from their last collection, my pictures are the same style :)

And now a picture of my makeup from today, not the best, but what ever (:

And ofcourse some boring pictures of the townnnnn..


första lagret, kex-sak, andra lagret, chocklad sedan kommer den vita härliga glassen och i mitten lite chockiiis! Namnam :D


Woke up this morning and my throat felt like shit.. I'm NOT that happy about it but I'll have to live with it. I've no time to get sick. I have to work. I'm allready fullbooked next week, so I really cant get sick right now.. Never mind, The job today was for some kind of wedding thing as I said in the last update. Only 4 cuts and 3 of them was more or less a close-up on my face. Very easy job, except from that my throat was killing me. I didn't take any pictures when I was working but i took some on my way back to Shibuya! (:

That building is fucking twisted!

Stairs down to the sub. (:

In the train.. Not that much people this time! lucky me!

Shibuya at daytime.


Best paparazzi in the world is me!

SO cute!!

Now I'm gonna show u where I live! It's a mess here right at this point, I mean it's allways a mess in here, and I'm NOT gonna clean up just beacuse of u guys!

And we step right in to the kitchen, and the laundyroom!

Heat-seat toilet!!! LOVELY

Let's step in to the master bedroom! Now u see the balcony, Behind the curtains.

turn right and you'll see this.

turn left and you'll see this!

Turn around and you'll se yourself in the mirror! :D

My view from the balcony. It's the entrance to the best store! They've got everything i need ;)

I <3 Marabou

Have A Baby By Me Baby Be A Millionaire

I'm going to eat something now and then I'm off to bed! Tomorrow I think I have job for some wedding magazine or something, and after the job I'm going home to sleep. I love weekends beacuse I can just go home after work and sleep, if I didn't plan to do something else. (:
Today's job was allright. 14 cuts, and well.. what can I say. It was just a normal job. No pictures from today.. Sorry about that!

By the way, I'm coughing like an idiot, I cant stop, I think I'm going to lose my voice. But what ever. :D


I dont have time to write anything.. pictures from 2 jobs!


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