I'm fresh I'm fly I'm so damn sick..

Today I had to buy some medicine, I've got fever and I'm still coughing like a pig. I hope the medicine works, otherwise I'll die. Yesterday I found some new pictures of me!

I'm going to sleep now, becuse tomorrow I'm working from 10 am, I GET TO SLEEP UNTIL 9!! Happyface!
Today the agency told me that I'm full booked untill next.. tuesday I think. And after that.. let's just hope that I get some days off, to sleep and buy presents for my friends and all that I should do before I go home.... WHich, btw, is just 19 days away! The time have passed sooo fast. I've already been here for 3 weeks, it feels like one.
GOODNIGHT everyone..

Postat av: Jessica

Du ser nästan ut som Tyra Banks på sista bilden! :)

2011-02-06 @ 09:37:00
URL: http://jessieolofsson.blogg.se/

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