I'm fresh I'm fly I'm so damn sick..
I'm going to sleep now, becuse tomorrow I'm working from 10 am, I GET TO SLEEP UNTIL 9!! Happyface!
Today the agency told me that I'm full booked untill next.. tuesday I think. And after that.. let's just hope that I get some days off, to sleep and buy presents for my friends and all that I should do before I go home.... WHich, btw, is just 19 days away! The time have passed sooo fast. I've already been here for 3 weeks, it feels like one.
GOODNIGHT everyone..
Harajuku (:
sleepy man in the train!
lI ike her shoes ;)
The make-up artist from today was bored so he started to paint on the sleeping Hair-stylist!
I have to sleep now..
The one and only
In a few hours a car will come and pick me up outside the apartment, MORE CASTINGS <3
I'm going to buy some luch now and get ready for castings. But first EAT :D
The Louis Vuitton show is this weekend, it's 5 shows every day, and I have 4 outfits every show, and I think we're doing it for 2 days.. so around 10 shows in 2 days!
Pictures from my work yesterday and today.
Not pink at all...
The backround from today. (:
In the subway, I like it!
Now I'm of to the store! BYE
This was the first time ever here in japan that I had to be like really sexy on the pictures, I'm surprised that i got this job! I'm not that got at this whole being-sexy-on-a-chair thing.. but i hope the pictures will be good enough ;)
This is a picture from their last collection, my pictures are the same style :)
And now a picture of my makeup from today, not the best, but what ever (:
And ofcourse some boring pictures of the townnnnn..
första lagret, kex-sak, andra lagret, chocklad sedan kommer den vita härliga glassen och i mitten lite chockiiis! Namnam :D
That building is fucking twisted!
Stairs down to the sub. (:
In the train.. Not that much people this time! lucky me!
Shibuya at daytime.
Best paparazzi in the world is me!
SO cute!!
Now I'm gonna show u where I live! It's a mess here right at this point, I mean it's allways a mess in here, and I'm NOT gonna clean up just beacuse of u guys!
And we step right in to the kitchen, and the laundyroom!
Heat-seat toilet!!! LOVELY
Let's step in to the master bedroom! Now u see the balcony, Behind the curtains.
turn right and you'll see this.
turn left and you'll see this!
Turn around and you'll se yourself in the mirror! :D
My view from the balcony. It's the entrance to the best store! They've got everything i need ;)
I <3 Marabou
Have A Baby By Me Baby Be A Millionaire
Today's job was allright. 14 cuts, and well.. what can I say. It was just a normal job. No pictures from today.. Sorry about that!
By the way, I'm coughing like an idiot, I cant stop, I think I'm going to lose my voice. But what ever. :D
Yesterday i had a pretty special job. I had wire all over my face, sometimes u couldn't even see that it was me behind all that wire. And then they filmed me when I talked with wire in my mouth. Haha what ever. The job today was 20 cuts. But the photographer was very quick, so it wasn't that bad after all. (: Tomorrow I'm working from 9 am to 6 pm. With a french guy, also from donnamodels i think. But i have to go away from the apartment by 8 am.
We finished quite early today, I mean I'm allready home and it's just 9 pm! Yeey! :D
Next weekend I have a job for Louis Vuitton, I'm walking on the catwalk at their show! exciting! (:
Okidoki.. pictures! :D
From the "wire job"
Lunchtime at work!
The studio. (: But this is only just like a corner of the studio, it was HUGE.
Boring pictures, but I didn't see that much interesting stuff today..
I'm going to the shower now, then i'm going to fix my nails and maby eat something small and then i'm going to BED!!!! I loooooovvveeeee my bed, more than anything right now.. well.. almost.. anyways.. BYE
Seafood!!!! <3
The time is 00.00 and i just got home from castings.
The job today was fun, we got there halv an hour to late beacuse of the train and the taxi and.. well everything.
I have to go to bed now beacuse I have to wake up at 5 tomorrow and go to work. But here u get some pictures from today. (:
Curry <3
Tokyo Tower (:
Me, myself, I and Ola in the big city!
PICTURES from tonight! :D
So damn cute. Smaller than my hand.
Okeey.. so.. I want some orange juice..
Haha, so cute little lady..
In here u take these small "pudicuda" pictures (don't know how to spell it..)
After the picture's taken, u go here ad fix them!
Get the pictures.. and.. this is the result! :D
<3 (:
Fler bilder + Video laddar jag upp på facebook! (:
Back from work.
Tomorrow im going out of town to work with two other models named, Alena and Maree, both of them's from Russia.
After the job we're going back to tokyo ( about 2 hours by train ), and then all the castings starts again! YIPPIE...
I took some pictures at the location today. (:
A hard work, work
Today i worked for Gisele magazine and tomorrow i'm going out of town to work. (:
Oven Potatoes :D <3
At work!
At dinner with some friends! The best sushi in the world! :D
A casting on the 33 floor on a building. (:
On our way out!
Yuji and Ugne at LEX!
The lithuanian girls!
Omg. We look great.
Day 2
Okey. One more try on this "try-to-write-on-english" thing.
I didn't write anything yesterday, I came back to the hotel around 11 pm, after the job, I went to castings. I had around 10-15 castings to go to. When I came back here again I was so tired so I didn't have the energi to update my blog.
From yesterday's job.
Boring pictures i know. But better than nothing! (:
Soo for today.. Day 3,Today I have a job for Isetan, leaflet. But first I have to go to some castings beacuse the work starts at 1 pm. (: And then after the job... guess what happens... MORE FUNNY CASTING..!!
Yeeeee, I have to go down now, the car is waiting for me. BYE
It was so much trubble at the airport, first my flight to London was cancelled and they changed my ticket to another flight. So I missed my flight to Japan from London and they had to rebook my flight there to. BUT! Now I'm here and I'm trying as hard as I can to write a good text in english.. heh.
Some random pictures from the bus I took from the airport to the hotel. (:
This is how it was suppose to be..
This is how it ended up.
A happy Lovisa on the Limousinebus!
Disneyland hotel or something.. BEAUTIFUL!
My dream car <3
Not the best picture but it's still awesome. (:
Tomorrow I have a job for GINZA magazine, I start at 08.10 am But I have to leave the appartment by 07.30!
I'll write again as soon as I can. (:
Allt jag ska göra innan jag åker.
- Fylla väskan med svenskt godis. KLART
- Sova ut på morgonen. Ganska klart..
- Köpa nya kläder. KLART
- Äta mig fet på svensk mat. Snart klart, bara en middag kvar, ska vara berädd på att knäppa upp byxorna den här gången..!
- Kolla så att jag kan stänga väskan. KLART!! DET GÅR :D
- Ha plånboken redo att betala övervikten. VÄLDIGT KLART.. min väska väger 500 kg. Jag skojar inte.!
- Ring fasters kompis, som har en förmåga att alltid ringa henne mitt i natten när vi ska upp äckligt tidigt. KLART
- ladda datorn, så jag har nått at göra när jag siter och väntar på flyget. PÅGÅR JUST NU!
- Ladda mobilen. INTE KLART!!!!
- Gå på toa. Klart imorgon :D
- Uppdatera bloggen. Snart klart!
- Säga hejdå till Sverige. Nästan klart..
Hej&hå, jag har varit väldigt duktig ändå! (:
Jag har en lååång resa framför mig, ska snart börja tagga inför många timmar i luften.. (bredvid massa gamla Japaner som ligger och snarkar..) Lite senare ska jag försöka tagga inför att leva på ris, rå fisk, nudlar och sjögräs <3...
Jag kommer börja skriva på engelska när jag är där. (Försöka iaf..)
Kommer nog skriva några Svenska inlägg imellanåt också, som omväxling. :D
Nu ropar min SISTA SVENSKA MIDDAGGGGG på mig! Måste knäppa upp byxorna och rusa!
Vi hörs (kanske) mellan 1 och 2 på natten mellan Söndag och Måndag! BYYYEE
Allt klart!
Jag hämtade mitt pass på ambassaden idag och fick flygbiljetterna efter det. ÄNTLIGEN säger jag bara, blev hyffsat försenat alltihop tack vare ambassaden.. menmen, nu så vet jag när jag kommer åka och när jag kommer hem. (:
Skrev ju lite fel på FB.. heh.. Nu kommer de rätta tiderna!
Resan dit:
09.15, 9 JAN - Stockholm arlanda till London heathrow framme 11.00
12.35, 9 JAN - London heathrow till Tokyo Narita
Framme 10 JAN, 09.10!
Resan hem:
11.10, 19 FEB - Tokyo Narita till London heathrow framme 14.25
17.40, 19 FEB - London heathrow till Stockholm arlanda
Hemma 19 FEB 21.20!
Snart är jag tillbaka.. (:
Faster hittade någon sida för läänge sedan där de skrev om mig. Och nu kollade hon på den igen och jag vill gärna veta vem det är som skriver där! Jag hoppas att hon/han som heter "Myran" som säger att jag är hennes/hans vän, läser min blogg också.. heh
Länk till sidan.
Det var ett tag sen någon skrev där nu.. men sneela, let me know vem du är. (:
Frank Dandy
Ändringar med resan till Japan, visumet kommer inte vara klart förrän på fredag så jag kommer förmodligen åka då ist ifall inte ambassaden överträffar sig själva och blir klar med visumet imorgon eftermiddag! (:
Idag har varit.. mycket.
Börja dagen med att åka försenat pendeltåg från märsta till Centralen, därifrån byta till tunnelbana och åka till gamla stan, slingra igenom gamla stan och komma till MIKAs. Hämta passet och massa papper, ta taxi till Japanska ambassaden och lämna in passet och papprerna, ta taxi tillbaka till agenturen, sedan slingra tillbaka genom gamla stan till tunnelbanan och åka till rådmansgatan och gå på casting för Frank Dandy, åka tunnelbana tillbaka till Centralen och sedan byta till Pendeltåg för att komma till Märsta station igen, vilket tar ungefär 40 min. Fick inte tag i farmor som skulle hämta mig, det var något fel på hennes mobil, så jag fick gå till fasters jobb som liggen drygt 100 meter därifrån, Tillslut ringer faster och säger att farmor står utanför och väntar. Och nu äntligen är jag tillbaka hemma hos faster. (:
Nu väntar jag bara på besked om jobbet (Frank Dandy) det är en ganska liten chans att jag får jobbet men man kan alltid hoppas. (: